Long before I was a writer, I was a reader.
The first time I read any science fiction was in the 3rd grade. Rummaging around in the attic I discovered a box of old books containing a number of the original Tom Swift books that belonged to my dad. I started reading volume one and ended up devouring the entire set. From that moment on I was hooked on science fiction and fantasy.

What’s New
And now the Editor
Like any good book it goes through various stages. There’s a first draft. Done. An initial revision. Done. And then, if the author’s ready, it goes to their editor. Then it begins for real. I’ve sent a small starter portion to my editor and held my breath. What was she going to think. And here it comes, first line is great. After that the red … Read More
Get Ready, The Plot Thickens
Okay, enough about buying books online. Back to updates about my next fantasy novel. I’m almost done with this revision and it’ll soon be headed to my editor. I hope she doesn’t have to use her red pen too much. Koronus has more problems than just figuring out where he fits in. For one, he is being pursued by, … Read More
One More Indie Bookstore
Another interesting bookstore that I’ve had dealings with is: Title Wave Books2318 Wisconsin Street NE, Albuquerque, NM 87110 The women who run it are nice to work with and would be happy to have you drop in and talk to them and check out the store. Or you can buy books at bookshop.org and give them credit. Good luck … Read More
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