Amazon and Memberships


J. Drew Brumbaugh

A few days ago I went on line to look for a specific gift I had in mind for someone.  Without too much trouble I found exactly what I wanted on Amazon but when I went to purchase it I found out it was only available to Prime members.  Did I want to sign up?  No, I didn’t want to pay for the privilege of buying stuff from them.  Oh, but shipping is free.  Nope, still don’t want it.  I gave up on Amazon and did further searches.  There was the same item at the Target down the street on the shelf.  Yes, I actually had to get in my car and drive there, but within a few minutes I had it, delivery was immediate and I was home to wrap it.  Maybe others think membership in a store is a good thing.  I don’t and won’t start shelling out money to be able to buy things from any particular outlet.  If you want my business just make it easy for me to shop and stop hassling me about buying a membership.  Barnes and Noble, are you listening?

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