Book 1 of the Galiwee Visions series.
In a world where dreams are belittled and apathy has become a staple, War Party proves that one unlikely hero can still make a difference. Tommy Galiwee, a native-American teen, wants desperately to be a warrior despite having been taught that Indian warriors no longer exist. Criticized and harassed by his father and tribal elders, Tommy sets out to prove he is much more than an idle dreamer. Driven by a mysterious vision and seeking to fulfill his dream, Tommy will lead a group of rag-tag friends on an adventure they will never forget; an adventure that will find them pitted against a group of well-funded modern day terrorists determined to seize and destroy the tiny town of Finkle Creek just outside their reservation. In War Party this one young man will find the inner strength to follow his vision, to do the right thing and prove that true Indian warriors still exist.
Other important characters include Bert, an inexperienced FBI agent trying to head off the terrorists; Katrina, a woman newspaper reporter who is following a tip and nearly gets herself killed; and Hamid, an introspective terrorist cell member who ends up in a climactic face-to-face confrontation with Tommy.
War Party is a coming-of-age story about the grandiose dreams of youth and life’s harsh realities. Tommy’s story captures the emotional struggles of today’s youth who dream about who they may become if only they had the chance to change their circumstances. Tommy is a young man on the cusp of… well, just what, he doesn’t know yet, but his focus, brains and clear physical skills are harbingers of greatness to come setting the stage for future adventures.
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