
Bula Bridge Promo Circuit

On Friday, along with my account manager, I did a loop through Ashtabula County visiting places tied into my book.  First stop was The Corner Bar in Austinburg, a spot where in Chapter 12 the terrorist group meets to plot their own version of the Ashtabula Railroad Disaster of 1876. We left a book for the owner and handed out bookmarks (thanks Graydon) to the patrons around the bar.  

From there it was on to Presrite Jeffrerson to give a copy of the book to the guy who provided the inspiration for Bula Bridge by first telling me about the 19thcentury railroad wreck.  There I got a warm reception and we handed out a lot more bookmarks and had some lively discussion about the book.  

Next stop was Bridge Street in Ashtabula.  Since it was coffee time we went to Harbor Perk Coffeehouse first, another meeting place for the terrorists (Chapters 8 and 28) as they continued to plot the destruction of a railroad bridge.  I left a book with manager, Mike, and asked about possibly doing a book signing there.  That needs the owner’s approval and is pending.  Last scheduled stop was at Carlisle’s next door to the coffee shop where the owner graciously agreed to have three copies of Bula Bridge on the shelf for sale.  Carlisle’s is a great place to browse so stop in next time you visit Bridge Street.  

After that, it was off to Geneva Lodge for a glass of champagne to celebrate a successful trip. There we met a couple waiting for the wine tour and after some conversation they wanted copies of the books. So, two books sold and the promo trip really was done.