We all have our favorites: books, movies, vacation spots, restaurants, just about anything and everything. Here, from time to time, I’m going to jot down some things you might want to check out yourself.
For scifi fans, you might want to take to look at the Crystal Series by Doug J. Cooper. It has an interesting premise that includes a super intelligent alien artificial intelligence. So far I’ve only read book 1 but if the rest of the series is as good, it’s worth checking out. You can see the books and get some more info about Doug on his Amazon author page. And if you do drop by his place, tell him I said hi!
Here’s a book for everyone who likes stories about witches. It’s called The White Raven by Carrie D. Miller and it is a fun, exciting read about a witch who is quite different from the standard Hollywood variety.
Combat Wizard by Jack L. Knapp – if you like psychic-scifi (my term not anyone else’s) you should appreciate this book.
And if you like supernatural sea stories, you should look into The Pirate, a short story by Malcolm Torres or any of his novels, Sailor Take Warning or Sailor’s Delight.
Another good author is K.A. Jordan and her paranormal/urban fantasy/ghost/murder mystery/romance, “Swallow the Moon.” I highly recommend it. It is well written, keeps you turning the pages and guessing who really is the “good guy.” Get a copy either through Amazon or Barnes & Noble. Enjoy.