
Stay At Home Writing

While the coronavirus makes life miserable for millions, I’m staying at home working on the final novel in my fantasy trilogy.  Well, that and a short story that I wasn’t going to write but somehow started writing almost unconsciously.  It’s for an anthology of short stories written during the pandemic.  This particular short story has nothing to do with anything I’ve ever written before.  I can’t really say where the idea came from.

Latest update on the fantasy novel – reached 240 pages done, edited and ready to go.  That means I’m almost halfway there.  Best news I’ve gotten from my editor in a long time was after the last chapter she said, “You know it’s good when I find myself forgetting to be the editor and just reading to find out what happens.”  It doesn’t get much better than that.  Now if I can keep that level of writing going for another 250 pages, I’ll have a best seller.

In the meantime, Bula Bridge, the second book in the Galiwee Visions series is on sale (ebook only) for 99 Cents.  Use the menu bar on the left to find links to places to buy it.

Everyone, stay home and stay well.  We all need each other.