
Tirumfall Trilogy – Book 1

In “Fall of the Western Kings” you meet Gant, a blacksmith’s son who is fated to become a great swordsman though he struggles to achieve those skills.  Barely escaping alive from a battle with a lesser demon, Gant is rescued by Dalphnia, a woodland nymph, who enchants him to be her next husband.  However, he does the unthinkable and escapes her magic, despite actually being in love with her.  They meet Pris, the boy emperor who is trying desperately to get out from under the control of the council of elders who don’t believe a boy can rule.  Add to that, Uric, who appears to be a simple teacher but in reality, is not human.  This unlikely group must kill Varg, the demon lord that threatens to overrun the world, and close the portal that Varg is using to bring monsters through from another world.

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