
Writers in Lockdown edited by Faith Jones – a review

This is a wonderful collection of short stories made all the more amazing because all of them were written within the span of about 60 days while much of the world was confined to home.  Since each author had total freedom to write whatever they wanted, this is an eclectic collection and only a few of the stories are connected to the corona virus pandemic.  Just about every genre you can think of is represented and there isn’t a clinker in the lot, though there were one or two that I thought could be longer works because the ending left enough unsaid that I didn’t think the story was over.

I won’t comment on my own story or that of either family member who also had stories included.  Here are thoughts on a few that I especially liked.

“Trout Ticklers” was a great start to the book.  The whole idea of being able to tickle a trout set my imagination on overdrive.  Having spent time trout fishing in various streams, this one hooked me from the beginning.

I loved “Mad Language Broadcasting.”  The premise and conclusion were so unique and the story well told, that I couldn’t help chuckling throughout.  Well, done.

“Oberbootsmann Becker” was for me one of the very best, a brutal take on war so well written that my stomach was churning as I read it.  And the ending – well no spoilers – fitting and mind blowing.

“Lockdown Hero” was a cute story that reminded us of the good-news stories that have come out of the pandemic.  People doing things to help others without expecting even a thank you.  Inspiring.

“Something the Matter with Alpha Centari” reminded me a lot of scifi from a past era and though I did see the ending coming, it was a fun read.

“Digital Nomad” was another one that I liked, not for any particular reason, just because I found it entertaining and the character kind of likeable in an offbeat way.

“The Aviary” was interesting though again I saw the ending coming.  Still written well enough to keep me reading and not feel cheated when the story ended as expected.

And there’s “A Glorious Piece of Chocolate Cake.”  Short, quick to the point and just plain fun.

All in all, this book has got to be one of the better collections of short stories that’s come out recently. A huge kudo to the editor, Faith Jones.  I don’t know how she managed to put together such a professional collection in such a short time.

Grab your own copy at https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08BXRJTWY