Writing News


J. Drew Brumbaugh

I keep working on the third book in the Tirumfall Trilogy.  More pages done, edited and ready to see print.  More surprises for my editor, and even a “wow” thrown in from her at one point. (smiley face here!)  The first possible covers are being reviewed so that seems to be coming together as well.  Looking forward to seeing a proof copy and maybe getting out a few advance review copies (ARC).

And while that project moves forward, “War Party” is on sale for 99 cents and doing quite well.  It has moved up in the sales rank at Amazon thousands of spots, which is great, but still hasn’t cracked the top 100.  At the same time the book received another 5-star review.  Nothing makes an author feel better than seeing some post a good review because it means someone out there enjoyed reading your book.  What else is there?

Lastly, I am continuing to fit in work on the sequel to “Shepherds” because I am often told that it is someone’s favorite book and that I need to write a sequel.  So, for all the “Shepherds” fans, it’s coming.  With luck it might see publication later in 2020.

If you want to get notices of new books coming out, visit my website homepage at https://jdrewbrumbaugh.com and then follow me on BookBub, Facebook or twitter.

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